The Green Silk Playsuit

Just the other week I went to an incredible sale at Clifton Hill Textiles and Haberdashery, which is a great Bristol shop bursting with vintage clothes, costume and fabrics. They have the biggest antique button collection I have ever seen! There, I found this little scrap of vintage hand embroidery with the perfect green in it for this playsuit I had been making.

I had left a diamond of skin exposed over the heart on the playsuit pattern and this embroidery covered half of it snugly. It finished off the garment as though the whole piece had been planned around it! I love the randomness of coming across beautiful things to use in my creations. Before I added the embroidery I imagined this little number would be my pyjamas but now I think I'll wear it with skirts in the daytime too. Especially, when I'm at the beach!

The Green Silk Playsuit by Made My Wardrobe